Thursday 5 May 2011

Arunachal CM Dorjee Khandu dies in chopper crash

Arunachal Chief Minister Dorjee Khandu whose helicopter went missing has been found at Lugutang near Selapass.

All the 5 passengers including Chief MInister reported dead.

Those on board with Mr Khandu were: Captain J S Babbar, Captain T S Mamik, the Chief Minister's security officer Yeshi Choddak and Yeshi Lhamu, the sister of Tawang MLA Tsewang Dhondup.

The Pawan Hans AS350 B-3 helicopter carrying the five went missing after it took off from Tawang at 9.50 a.m. Saturday. The last radio contact with the ground was about 20 minutes after takeoff as it flew over the Sela Pass along the Chinese border at an altitude of 13,700 feet.

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